My love is your love and your love is mine!
First off I want to thank you for writing an in-depth review to my song and apologize for not responding to your review request sooner.
Here goes my review on your newest piece:
First off you made good use of the filter right from the start making it transition in cleanly. No problems there.
You made good use of the vocals as mentioned by other reviewers.
I like the deep hitting kicks and bass that follows. I don't know if I would consider 42 seconds a song but this has great potential to be a transition piece for a long club mix or an intro segment. It really all depends on what you are trying to accomplish with this piece.
You also have the electro background in there with the constant fading buzz and then you bring it into the foreground very cleanly. Something I love to hear and wish I had time to do in my songs.
All around nice piece for what I'm thinking about with the intro to a hard hitting song.
Hope my review helped as much as yours helped me!